Sunday, July 3, 2011

Early Beginner Piano Repertoire

This is a list of piano repertoire suitable for beginners who have completed a basic method program, and are ready to move on to classical training. I've included a link to the score for public domain pieces, as well as youtube links to example pieces:

Johann Sebastian Bach
From "The Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach"
- Chorale, BWV 514
- Aria in D minor, BWV 515

Leopold Mozart
From "Notebook for Wolfgang"
- Bourrée in E minor
- Minuet in D minor

Alexander Gedike
From "60 Simple Piano Pieces for Beginners" Op. 36
- A Happy Tale (no. 31)
- A Sad Song (no. 39)

Dmitri Kabalevsky
From "24 Pieces for Children"
- March, no. 10
- Waltz, no 13

from "30 Pieces for Children" op. 27 SCH
- Valse (no. 1)
- A Little Song (no. 2)

from "Children's Adventures"
- Skipping Robe (no. 17)

Béla Bartok
From "Mikrokosmos"

Aram Khachaturian - 24 Easy Piano Pieces for Children

Johann Wilhelm Hässler - Fifty Pieces for Beginners

Cornelius Gurlett - Six Sonatinas, op. 76

Dimitri Shostakovich - Six Children's Pieces, op. 69

Nancy Telfer - "The Milky Way" from Planets and Stars

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